

Behandlung von Haarausfall


Eine Haartransplantation ist eine Behandlung zur Wiederherstellung von dünner werdendem oder verlorenem Haar durch die Neuimplantation gesunder Haarfollikel in Bereiche mit reduziertem Wachstum. Mithilfe fortschrittlicher Techniken stellt diese Transplantation einen natürlichen Haaransatz wieder her und verbessert die Haardichte. Dieses minimalinvasive Verfahren ist ideal für Menschen, die unter Haarausfall leiden. Es verhilft Ihnen zu vollem Haar und neuem Selbstvertrauen.


Natural hair growth, increased density.

Treatment duration

The treatment lasts 5 hours, the first hair regrowth start within 4 to 6 months, and completed results after 9.

Benefits duration

The benefits have permanent duration.


All treatments are executed by specialist doctors.

Bring Back Your Fullness

Rediscover Your Natural Hairline

Hair transplant treatment works by carefully extracting healthy follicles from donor areas and implanting them in areas where hair is thinning or missing. This precise process ensures natural growth patterns, providing a fuller, thicker head of hair that blends seamlessly with your existing hair.

Increased Hair Density and Improved Appearance

Precision Follicular Placement

With a hair transplant, you not only regain lost hair but also improve the density and volume of your hair. By restoring coverage to areas affected by hair loss, alopecia, post partum hair loss, hormonal imbalances... this treatment provides a fuller, thicker head of hair, enhancing your overall appearance and helping you feel your best.

Know What to Expect

Long-term solution for hair loss

The number of grafts needed for hair transplantation varies based on individual goals. A consultation with a doctor is essential to determine the exact number of grafts required to achieve the desired result, ensuring a tailored and effective solution for your specific needs.