Tiefe Hydratation
Der Skin Booster ist eine Behandlung, die die Haut tiefenwirksam mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt, ihr Glanz zurückgibt und ihre Festigkeit verbessert. Durch die Injektion von Mikrotröpfchen unvernetzter Hyaluronsäure unter die Hautoberfläche spendet diese Behandlung intensive Feuchtigkeit und stimuliert die Kollagenproduktion, wodurch die Haut geschmeidiger und strahlender wird.
Intense hydration.
The treatment lasts 30 minutes and results are visible within 2 weeks.
The benefits have a duration of 6 months.
All treatments are executed by specialist doctors.
Intense Hydration for Youthful Skin
Deeply Revitalize Your Skin
The Skin Booster delivers uncrosslinked hyaluronic acid into the deeper layers of the skin, ensuring intense and long-lasting hydration. This treatment revitalizes dry, dull skin, helping restore suppleness and smoothness while boosting overall hydration levels.
Enhanced Radiance and Firmness
Revive Your Skin's Radiance
The Skin Booster is ideal for improving skin tone, boosting radiance, and enhancing elasticity. The treated areas include the face, neck, collar, and hands, where hydration and rejuvenation are desired. This non-surgical approach is perfect for those looking for a fresher and more vibrant look.
Know What to Expect
Quick Treatment with Long-Term Benefits
The Skinbooster protocol requires two sessions spaced one month apart.