Lokale Fettreduktion
Die Intralipotherapie ist eine moderne, nicht-chirurgische Körperformungsbehandlung, die darauf abzielt, lokale Fettablagerungen zu reduzieren, indem eine fettlösende Lösung direkt in das Fettgewebe injiziert wird. Durch die gezielte Behandlung von Fettzellen baut dieser innovative Ansatz hartnäckiges Fett auf natürliche Weise durch die Stoffwechselprozesse des Körpers ab und beseitigt es. Die Intralipotherapie ist ideal für Personen, die Bereiche wie Bauch, Oberschenkel oder Doppelkinn formen möchten, ohne invasive Operationen oder lange Erholungsphasen.
Non-surgical fat reduction.
The treatment lasts 30 minutes and results are visible from the 1rst session.
The benefits have a permanent duration, subject to an appropriate diet and regular physical activity.
All treatments are executed by specialist doctors.
Non-Surgical Fat Reduction
Effectively Eliminate Stubborn Fat
Intralipotherapy targets localized fat deposits with an injectable solution that dissolves fat cells. The body naturally eliminates the fat, leading to the reduction of areas like the double chin, saddlebags, love handles, or abdomen.
Precision Contouring
Natural and Aesthetic Contours
Ideal for those struggling with problem areas that don't respond to diet or exercise, intralipotherapy offers a precise and non-invasive method to enhance body contours. By gradually dissolving fat in specific regions, the treatment helps create smoother, more defined contours without the risk of scarring or other side effects associated with surgery.
Know What to Expect
Treatment Effects: Gradual but Noticeable
The procedure requires treatment intervals of three to four weeks, with the number of treatments ranging from two to eight sessions depending on the characteristics of the treated area.