Diese Behandlung hilft, die Haut zu straffen, Falten zu glätten und sorgt für einen Lifting-Effekt ohne chirurgischen Eingriff. Das Gerät verwendet einen elektrischen Lichtbogen (eine kleine Energieentladung), der sich direkt über der Haut bildet, ohne sie zu berühren. Es funktioniert, indem es mithilfe von Plasmaenergie winzige, kontrollierte „Mikroläsionen“ auf der Hautoberfläche erzeugt, die den natürlichen Regenerationsprozess der Haut stimulieren.
Non-surgical skin tightening, reduced wrinkles, and improved firmness.
The treatment lasts 1 hour, dermatological results are permanent and upper eyelid sagging are visible within 3 weeks.
The benefits for dematological have a permanent duration and for upper eyelid sagging of 1 year.
All treatments are executed by specialist doctors.
Non-Invasive Treatment
Lift and Firm with Plasma Precision
Plasma IQ treatment uses a small electric arc that ionizes the air between the device and the skin, creating plasma. This plasma sublimates the skin's surface layer, gently vaporizing it. This process naturally stimulates collagen and elastin production, essential proteins for maintaining skin firmness and elasticity. The skin becomes firmer and smoother, with a visible lifting effect, without invasive surgery.
Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty
By stimulating collagen production and tightening skin fibers, Plasma IQ firms treated areas like the eyelids without surgery. This treatment is particularly effective for smoothing fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, or other facial areas. Plasma IQ can also visibly reduce acne scars or other marks by promoting tissue regeneration.
Know What to Expect
Visible Improvements Over Time
Plasma IQ treatments require minimal downtime and provide visible results that continue to improve as collagen rebuilds. This procedure ensures lasting improvements in skin tone, texture, and firmness, making it an effective choice for those seeking a natural, long-lasting lift.