



Die Endosphere-Therapie ist eine innovative Körperformungsbehandlung, die eine komprimierende Mikrovibrationstechnologie verwendet, um das Erscheinungsbild von Cellulite zu reduzieren, die Lymphdrainage zu aktivieren und den Hautton zu verbessern. Durch die Abgabe rhythmischer Vibrationen in das Gewebe baut die Endospheres-Therapie Fettablagerungen effektiv ab, verbessert die Durchblutung und strafft die Haut. Diese nicht-invasive Lösung ist ideal für Personen, die einen straffen und geformten Körper mit sichtbaren Verbesserungen der Hautfestigkeit und des Gesamterscheinungsbildes anstreben.


Improve circulation and reduce cellulite.

Treatment duration

The treatment lasts 45 minutes and results are visible within 3 days.

Benefits duration

The benefits have a duration of 6 months.


All treatments are executed by specialist doctors.

Cellulite Reduction and Smoother Skin

Sculpt and Drain Your Body

This therapy uses compressive micro-vibrations to target and break down stubborn cellulite, improving skin texture and tone. This treatment helps create a smoother silhouette and significantly reduces the dimpled effect often associated with cellulite, giving you a sculpted, harmonious look.

Improved Circulation and Lymphatic Drainage

Boost Circulation for Firm Skin

The rhythmic vibrations of Endosphere Therapy promote lymphatic drainage and improve blood circulation, helping to detoxify the body. By stimulating lymphatic flow, this treatment helps reduce toxins and swelling while revitalizing the skin, giving it a firmer and more energized appearance.

Know What to Expect

Effortless Shaping with Visible Results

Endospheres sessions provide immediate toning results with cumulative benefits. With regular sessions, skin firmness and texture improve, visibly reducing the appearance of cellulite and offering a long-lasting sculpted silhouette. Legs also benefit from drainage, providing a feeling of lightness.