Eerste consult voor esthetische geneeskunde
Persoonlijk behandelplan
Je eerste consult in esthetische en regeneratieve geneeskunde is een cruciale gelegenheid om te ontdekken wat de beste weg is om je persoonlijke schoonheids- en comfortdoelen te bereiken. Dit grondige onderzoek met een arts stelt ons in staat om uw unieke behoeften, zorgen en verwachtingen grondig te evalueren. Door inzicht te krijgen in je huidtype, gezichtsstructuur, lichaamsproblemen en algehele welzijn kunnen we een persoonlijk behandelplan opstellen dat precies op jou is afgestemd. Of je nu een vermindering van fijne lijntjes, volumeherstel of huidverjonging overweegt, deze eerste stap zorgt ervoor dat de behandelingen die we aanbevelen perfect aansluiten bij je gewenste resultaten en de meest effectieve oplossingen bieden voor blijvende resultaten.
Build on your needs and objectives, our experts develop a specific program for you.
The consultation lasts 60 minutes in a modern and confidential space.
Enter the world of Nescens, where revolutionary technologies and treatments are at the leading edge.
Executed by Swiss experts employing the the latest, cutting-edge technology.
Understanding Your Goals
Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Needs
Your first consultation in aesthetic and regenerative medicine focuses on your personal needs and goals. This one-hour appointment allows the doctor to understand your aesthetic expectations, medical history, and analyze your skin condition. This in-depth evaluation helps create a personalized treatment plan tailored to address your specific concerns. Before any treatment begins, we can take a series of photographs to accurately track the progress and results throughout your care journey.
Expert Evaluation and Advice
Professional Insight for Informed Decisions
This consultation provides access to an experienced aesthetic and regenerative medicine physician who will guide you through potential treatment options. You will gain valuable insight into the best non-surgical treatments for you, including explanations of the procedures, expected results, and any potential side effects.
Know What to Expect
Roadmap to Achieve Your Goals
The initial consultation is essential. It allows us to identify your needs and expectations. Afterward, you will be accompanied by our doctors and therapists before each treatment to reassess and adjust your care protocol as it evolves. The cost of this first consultation will be deducted from any subsequent treatments.